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Try Open-Source Marketing Mix Modeling with Confidence

Choose the top performing models from Robyn, Google, Nested Effects, Multiplicative Effects & others.

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Unlock the secrets to doing MMM Effectively

Our mission is to revolutionize Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) by empowering companies and small agencies with trusted, open-source code.




MMM Labs is the future of marketing measurement and optimization. We offer a suite of innovative products designed to empower agencies, marketing professionals and data scientists with state-of-the-art tools for marketing mix modeling. Our products cater to different needs, from technical integration to user-friendly, no-code solutions.

Marketing Measurement & Optimization with Cookieless Open-Source Code: Measure your paid & organic advertising in the era of the Cookieless world. Trust the results with cutting-edge open-source code.


Data to Insight in Minutes with AI: Get a full strategic C-level deck with a strategy on how to optimize and execute your marketing.


Track ROI with Confidence: Market changes. Get alerts of changes in marketing effectiveness and be capable of stopping ineffective campaigns and reallocating to your best channels.


Test Multiple Models Simultaneously: Try Marketing Mix Modeling code from Robyn, Google, and others. Deploy your own code and compare performance.


Every Single Model: Advertising affects organic variables; try our nested models. Advertising works better together; test that with multiplicative models. And many more.

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